adage “action speaks better than words” is very popular and known by several
people. Unfortunately, this does not apply to the lives of many. They live
their lives in such a way that others will be aware of what they claim to know;
whilst they know not. Pitiful!!
In the
recent past , I overheard a young guy discussing what he intend to do after he had completed
the senior high school as if he knew everything about it, on the basis of how
he used to say it. However some very little interrogation I made with him
revealed he had no idea what he was
talking about. Not to suggest you need
not to discuss or share your ideas. My intention is to make you explore for
more knowledge. You don’t have to make noise for people to know what you are
capable of doing. So if you know, do it! And stop stressing the ‘I know’ because if you knew, they would know.
Daniel Odoi©...…
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