Start work!!!
In the examination room, there are certain
rules you need to follow. One of such rules is to wait patiently until you are
told to start work. Sometimes some students don’t start on time because they
couldn’t pay careful attention when the siren was rang for starting work or
were even paying attention but couldn’t hear the announcement, leading to poor
performance. All I am saying is there are rules and you are obliged to follow
applies to the journey of life as well; there are rules and you need to follow
them: you really need to get started in
order to get things moving. The
Law of Cause and Effect states that everything happens for
a reason; there is a cause for every effect. This implies that, as long as you stay idle
all things remain stagnant. Unfortunately so many people are comfortably siting,
standing or even lying down on their own way to success, thinking someone will
pull them with a rope to their destination. Beloved, it will never happen, so
get up and start work! And success
will be yours.
That's nice and indeed motivative. Thank you, man.