Excellence is a
The good book says it right: you are fearfully and
wonderfully made and the God we serve is a God of excellence thus excellence is
your birth right. Just take a moment to imagine yourself in your beautiful
apartment in some nice estate with your vehicle parked in front, and having
some nice moment with your family as well. You see how interesting it would be?
Unfortunately having this imaginations does not guarantee you to achieve such
things. Note that this is just a scenario and does not necessarily means excellence.
Being successful and achieving excellence is beyond
imaginations. If imaginations brings excellence, everybody would be, because it does not pay to imagine. As
fundamental human right comes with some level of responsibilities, so it is
with excellence. The reality is, being successful requires the attitude of
persistent perseverance.
Dear reader, kindly choose to
develop the attitude of perseverance and hardworking today because excellence is a choice not
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