It is illegal to be unsuccessful in this generation!!!
I have taken the risk of sounding
like a braggart in writing this article because I want you to be successful,
Our fore
parents committed so many errors during the course of life because they were
deprived of so many things needed for successful living. I sometimes smile and
exclaim: “they did well!! Some kept their resources underground, some in their
bed rooms for years, some lost their resources through unforeseen phenomenon
like fire outbreaks and many more. In our generation you have no excuse not to
be successful since nature has provided you with all the needed resources. Fish
them out!!
In the
year 2012, a financial institution in a certain area made me stay longer in the banking
institution whenever I wish to withdraw my own money which made me lost
interest in savings and investment. But now you can sit in your house and
transfer money to your bank account, with easy withdrawal as well, through
improved technology. If I was asked in those days the reason I couldn’t save, I
would have gotten some excuses to make. But now, what will you say? Beloved you
have no excuse. This many other improvements in several fields of profession gingered
me to think: “it is illegal to be unsuccessful
in this generation”- Daniel Odoi
Note: Don’t overrate successful.
Example completing your junior
High school with good grades signifies a form of success. In fact, if you can
read this then it means you have been successful in learning how to read the
English language. So you see how wonderful Jesus is!!!
…..Odoi Daniel©...…
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